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SelectaDNA for Businesses


Forensic marking technology enhances businesses’ loss prevention and asset protection efforts, resulting in increased profit due to considerable reductions in burglary, robbery and theft. The technology easily integrates with most security systems, yet can serve as an effective standalone crime-fighting tool. It also demonstrates a company’s corporate social responsibility by providing employees with a safer working environment and customers with a more enjoyable, and affordable, shopping experience.

SelectaDNA Prevents Construction Thefts


Criminal Tagging System


The forensic Criminal Tagging System provides proven protection against burglary, robbery, theft and unauthorized access for a wide array of industries, including retail, commercial, industrial and corporate – plus public sector, non-profit and educational institutions.  The efficacy and ‘fear factor’ of the technology deters criminals from targeting businesses and critically sensitive and restricted areas.

If a crime is committed, the system emits an invisible fine mist of a unique forensic code irrefutably linking criminals and items to a specific crime scene.  Forensically marked criminals are identified by a unique blue fluorescent pattern seen by police using a special frequency UV light.  The system can be activated via panic buttons, money clips, burglar alarms, access control systems, remote video monitoring, high-fidelity RFID and even facial recognition.

Criminal Tagging System Installed at McDonald's


Forensic Property Marking Kits

Protect assets from thieves and burglars. Property secured within seconds by simply brushing solution on valuable goods. Once applied, the forensic solution dries quickly and is virtually impossible to remove. Each unit of forensic solution contains thousands tiny microdots, with the registry’s database phone number and unique owner’s code. This allows police to immediately, and positively, identify recovered items. Tamper-resistant warning stickers identify marked property as too-hot-to-handle for would-be criminals. The code from each unit of forensic solution is registered in secured international registry database – creating instant link between recovered items and owners.

Forensic Property Marking Kits

Demonstration of How to Mark Your Assets

Forensic Trace

A highly durable asset and infrastructure marking solution designed to protect and identify valuable metals and outdoor equipment. The forensic solution contains a UV tracer to locate the mark and metallic microdots to prove ownership of marked items. Used by public authorities, utility companies and rail companies, Trace is the most cost-effective method to protect assets.


Forensic Marker Pen

The forensic Marker Pen is used for theft prevention of high volume or high-value products, as well as effective in thwarting fraudulent returns.   Special destructible, non-reusable stickers are provided for enhanced prevention benefits to reduce transference and ineligible returns.  Each Marker capable of protecting up to 1,000 items.

Forensic Gel

The forensic Gel is used to irrefutably identify employees and criminals tampering with, or stealing, property or illegally gaining access to premises. Once a criminal comes in contact with the clear forensic gel, it transfers onto hands and clothing. The criminal is then irrefutably linked to the crime scene. Gel is ideal for use in undercover investigations. Based upon air temperature, humidity and other environmental factors, the forensic Gel can have a life of many weeks – if not longer.


Forensic Tagging Spray

SelectaDNA forensic Tagging Spray is used to deter criminal activity, as well as mark, apprehend and convict criminals. It works by spraying an offender with an invisible forensic marking solution that clings to skin and clothing for weeks to months. Each unique forensic code allows police to immediately link a suspect to a specific crime scene.

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