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Alaska Just Got A Whole Lot Safer

Criminals Beware!


SelectaDNA's marking solutions are a powerful deterrent to criminals and statistically proven to reduce crime  by 83%


Marked - Caught - Convicted = Crime Deterrent


What Does Forensic Marking Technology Do?

SelectaDNA is revolutionizing around the world what it means to be secure within your community and the privacy of your home. Endorsed by several Law Enforcement Agencies, SelectaDNA is proving to be a fearful deterrent to would be criminals who fear DNA.


This DNA originated in Europe and is used in over 33 countries and now in the United States where it has lowered crime significantly. The DNA is now here in Alaska with the goal of making The Last Frontier a safer place to live.  

SelectaDNA consists of a range of products that contain a unique, synthetic 'DNA' code in formats such as gel, spray, or grease with microdots, which can be used to individually mark and trace items of property and in some instances, irrefutably identify those responsible for the crime. The DNA coding is invisible to the naked eye and can only be detected by an ultra violet light or a microscope, which are included in SelectaDNA kits police officers receive.

By irrefutably linking a criminal to a specific crime scene, forensic marking technology serves two important purposes.  First, and foremost, it is a powerful crime-fighting tool proven to prevent and deter crime – with reduction in crime (burglary, robbery, theft) ranging from 40% to 86% where deployed.  Secondly, if a crime is committed, the technology enhances law enforcement’s ability to irrefutably identify then apprehend and convict criminals.

The Science of Forensic Marking Technology

It is a high-tech forensic code synthetically manufactured in a state-of-the-art ISO 17025 accredited laboratory.  The forensic markers are made to specifically function the same as human DNA, but is more durable.

Each unit created has a universally exclusive forensic code (sequence / identifier), which will never be replicated in the world.  Think of it as a unique serial number, or barcode, that cannot be duplicated.

The science provides absolute identification certainty as each forensic code only exists on criminals, or items, from a sole specific source.  The invisible forensic codes can only be seen and read via a special frequency UV light used by police.

The forensic markers remain on skin up to four to six weeks, clothing two to three months and hard surfaces five years or more.  It is analyzed via similar methods as human DNA and thoroughly tested by independent laboratories to be non-toxic, water-based and non-flammable.

Forensic marking technology has been successfully used for more than a decade in 33 countries. It is now available and being deployed in the United States having arrived in select states and brought here to Alaska by CSIprotectAK.

SelectaDNA is Endorsed by Law Enforcement

How The Forensic Marking Works

SelectaDNA prevents crime, helps capture criminals, and returns lost and stolen items

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The Four Components of Forensic Marking Technology


Forensic Code




UV Tracer


International Database

Each forensic code manufactured by SelectaDNA is created only once in the history of the world, irrefutably linking a criminal, or item, to a specific crime scene.

Microdots are microscopic dots with unique identification codes that instantly link items to owners. The microdots serve as redundant identifiers to forensic codes and are used in SelectaDNA Trace and Property Marking Kits.

The invisible forensic marking solution is found by police using special frequency flashlights, with the marked criminal or item, fluorescing a telltale blue pattern.

SelectaDNA provides law enforcement with access to a highly secure (ISO 27001 accredited for Information Security) international database to link each forensic code or microdot to specific locations and owners. In a matter of just a few minutes, users of SelectaDNA technology can easily register their items and forensic codes in the password-protected registry.


Documented crime reduction data for SelectaDNA crime-fighting initiatives

- 65% reduction in burglary in West Central - Los Angeles, CA

- 100% reduction in robbery at a convenience store chain - Knoxville, TN

- 70% reduction in burglary - Knoxville, TN

- 60% reduction of burglaries at businesses and schools - New Zealand

- 40% reduction of business robberies - United Kingdom

- 65% reduction in robberies at 100 high-crime stores - Denmark

Brands that trust and use SelectaDNA


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1150 S Colony Way, Palmer, AK 99645, USA

(907) 671-2204

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